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* Freeware , no payment required.
* Usage is similar (or better) to the standard AmigaDOS shell.
* About 32K small (pure assembler code, source included).
* Supports the standard housekeeping commands which are builtin,
so no disk access is necessary.
eg. list, dir, cd, rename, makedir, delete, copy, path, info, type
* A total of 66 builtin commands.
* Starting from Workbench (!) or CLI/Shell. No Installation required.
* Fast Filename completion by simply pressing TAB.
* Anonymous pipes . You can choose between real and pseudo pipes.
* Review buffer to see again what scrolled out of the window.
* Some commands and features for programmers.
* Online Help function and AmigaGuide-Documentation with examples.
* Command line editing better than OS2.0/3.0 Shell.
* Support of OS2.0+ and OS3.0+ specific features
* Wild cards and recursive processing.
* Real RUN and NEWCLI command that reenters ZShell quickly.
* DIR and LIST both sort (by default) and show filesize.
* Inbuild Amigaguide-/Multi-viewer
* Application-Window/-Icon
* Can open window on own screen .
* 100% script compatibility.
* Can create and show Hard- and Softlinks.
* Command and Function key aliasing .
* Can iconify itself.
* Most things are localized if locale.library is available.
* Colorful output (or fast scrolling with OS3.0+, see CONFIG COLOUR )
* Simple MORE type text viewer.
* Makes itself resident for quicker starting and memory saving.